He woke up in a panic and thus began the game.

He dreamed that he got evicted from his apartment and had to move to the suburbs, he moved into his neighbor/brother's house and that the child escaped and killed him. His brother knew about this and tried to figure out more by moving across from the neighbor and decided to take a nap. The neighbor and his wife had a secret relation to the child, and vowed to protect it from people by locking the child in the basement. His brother (the protagonist) saw him crying and tried to comfort him, but the neighbor snapped and locked his brother out of the house. The Neighbor had a wife and a child, but the wife died in a car accident (hence the car parked on the fence, the explosion in alpha 1, the train wreck in the basement in alpha 4, and the neighbor sobbing into his hands in alpha 3). The Car Accident Theory (Post-Beta 3 but still pre-full game) Another version of this simple theory is the Super-Market Theory which you will read later on. The part after that is commonly altered, for instance one person would say that his family died and replaced them with mannequins, and another would say he locked them up. His theory states that he had a wife and a son. His theory is shared by other people like Corl, and his other Pals on YouTube. His theory is based on a painting in the Alpha 4 version of Hello Neighbor. Sketch is a youtuber from Canada who mainly plays Roblox. The Sketch Theory (Most Common) (Pre-June 2017) Another version of this theory is that the Neighbor is the grey child in the painting, and his father is the large shadow. The unknown location is, according to The 8-Bit Ninja, the teleporter to the Final Boss. Another version based on Alpha 4, is that there are five loading sequences, in the hanging room, the door next to the stairs, the door behind the water room, a hidden room with shopping carts and a cash register, and an unknown location.

His theory states that The Neighbor and The Protagonist are brothers, and that The Neighbor does not want to live with his brother so he kicks him out after he moves back home. His theory mostly focuses on the Beta version of Hello Neighbor. The 8-Bit Ninja is a Youtuber who creates let's-plays. The Family Theory is a very complex theory, and has the most versions.